Individual therapy for adults is available in person and via video tele-health. See separate page regarding video tele-health.

I do not do couples/martial therapy but can provide referrals on request.

I do not work with people under age 18.

How does therapy work?  How can it really help me? 

The answers to these questions depend on how we decide to collaborate and work together in light of the following factors.

What are your goals or needs?

Are you willing and ready to put effort into practicing new things in between sessions?

Are you open to self-reflection and changing the way you think about emotions, thoughts, and behavior?

Therapy is a process of self exploration and change that occurs in the context of a safe, trusting relationship with someone who has the skills and knowledge to provide effective guidance and coaching.  It works best when there is 'structure'--having a plan for specific new things to learn and practice in order to achieve the desired results.  In addition it works best when the therapist is adept at listening, empathizing, and in accurately perceiving the client.  Good therapy balances responsiveness to client-centered needs with encouragement to work on the plan, or rather, responsiveness and listening is balanced with directiveness. Some clients want to spend sessions mostly talking, whereas others want to be directed.  We hope to achieve a balance in session in terms of this dialectic.

I recommend attending therapy on a weekly basis.  This facilitates progress and better memory and learning.  I do not recommend therapy that is less frequent than every other week. 

Duration of therapy can range from 12-16 sessions for focused work on a single specific problem, to 2-3 years of weekly or bi-weekly therapy for more complex needs and/or due to your preference.  It depends on what are your goals for therapy.  We will discuss this and will revisit and re-assess this topic throughout therapy and the time frame will be based on my recommendations and your needs and preferences.

Here are some links to some helpful descriptions of what therapy is, what to expect, and how to get the most out of it.

American Psychological Association description of therapy.

Psychology Today: What Really Happens in Therapy

Videos of clients describing their reactions to therapy.

Adademy of Ideas: The Psychology of Self-Transformation